Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Kubrick's Boxes

If you have any interest in Stanley Kubrick I would suggest watching this. It is a remarkable documentary called "Stanley Kubrick’s Boxes." In this documentary Jon Ronson is invited to the Kubrick estate to go through his collections of boxes. It is very insightful. You begin to understand Kubrick's obsession with perfection.

The contents of the boxes are extremely varied and all over the place, from photos to fan letters, and show what a detailed and intelligent man he really was. His nephew Manuel Harlan took tens of thousands of photos of doorways, estate gates, costume shops, anything that would inform his choices on set. Harlin did those for most of his movies. In the film there is a discussion around trying to find the perfect hat for the Droogies to wear in A Clockwork Orange.

This is the kind of terrific documentary that would just drift to the back shelf of your video store. Because companies like Google have a transmedia understanding a documentary like this can reside on the internet forever. I don’t know how long the video will stay up, so watch it ASAP.

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